Wednesday, April 26, 2017

In The Future Will Science Fiction Writing Still Be Dominated By English Writers?

One of the topics we discuss at our think tank which happens to operate online is how language changes the way people think and reason. In fact, there is an incredible diversity in thinking based on which language you speak and write. Often it is even greater than the thought diversity coming from cultural differences. Now then, I'd like to discuss with you science fiction, as it is a highly creative endeavor. Indeed, it is one I have dabbled in myself. Okay so, let's talk.
Isaac Asimov was once asked why all the best science fiction writers are American or English and he was asked if that was likely to continue. He noted at the time of that interview that there were Russian science fiction writers who were quite good, many of them, and a Polish science fiction writer considered one of the best in the world, Stanislaw Lem. Asimov also noted that since most of those interested in the topic in the English speaking world including himself and his circle of friends read their science fiction in English, and thus, their favorite authors write in English and are considered the greats.
Now then, this is an interesting topic isn't it and I suppose in the future with robust translation software that we will be reading the creative fictional science works of people around the globe. I've been amazed at reading science fiction which has been translated into English from other parts of the world, and often it is much better, more well thought out, and extremely intriguing. Many of the science fiction movie genres which are produced in English have very common themes. It's as if everyone is copying everyone else.
However, if a science fiction writer, Sci Fi screenplay writer, or futuristic moviemaker reads and watches other works in their same language, they are apt to produce similar works. But that won't be the case for those in other cultures speaking different languages, as their minds are working differently and are coming up with new scenarios, ones which may pique our curiosity, and we may wonder how they could possibly think of something like that, as it would be so foreign and new to us. In fact, it would be a treat, and after hearing or viewing these science fiction works, we might be quite frankly blown away.
Let's just hope that our interactive translation future doesn't ruin them making them think like us or vice-versa, we need the diversity of thought to keep things great. Still, maybe it's time we did a little more cross-cultural sharing, translated more works into English, and vice versa, to share ideas, new concepts, and creativity with each other. That would be a good thing for humanity, and I'm sure if Isaac Asimov was still around, that he would agree. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of Science Fiction eBooks titled Future Glimpse. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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